

徐克生,江苏大学物理与电子工程学院教授,硕士生导师,大学物理教学部副主任,智利优秀博后基金获得者。2015年6月获得华东师范大学理论物理博士学位。2013.9-2014.9在美国纽约大学博士联合培养,2015.6-2019.4在智利瓦尔帕莱索大学从事博士后研究。研究领域为统计物理学、计算神经科学与类脑智能研究。在Physical Review E、Chaos、Nonlinear dynamics、Chaos Soliton & Fractals 等国际期刊发表30余篇SCI学术论文,是Physical Review E、Nonlinear dynamics等国际期刊审稿人。主持完成了智利优秀博后项目和江苏大学高层次人才启动项目,目前主持国家自然基金项目1项。
Email: ksxu@ujs.edu.cn

研究领域: 统计物理学、复杂系统与复杂网络、计算神经科学与类脑智能


1. 国家自然科学基金项目:人脑网络上奇异态的形成机制及控制,12165016,37万元,在研,合作主持;
2. 江苏大学高层次人才启动项目:探索神经系统多稳态的产生与共存机制,5501190017,40万元,在研,主持.

1. Gaobiao Zhu, Yan Zhang, Jiao Wu, Muhua Zheng, and Kesheng Xu*. Chaos shapes transient synchrony activities and switchings in the excitatory-inhibitory networks. Nonlinear Dyn, 2024, 112:7555-7570.
2. Xinjia Zhou, Yan Zhang, Tianyi Gu, Muhua Zheng, and Kesheng Xu*. Mixed synaptic modulation and inhibitory plasticity perform complementary roles in metastable transitions. Physica A, 2024, 635: 129523.
3. Xuhui Wang, Jiao Wu, Zheng Yang, Kesheng Xu, Zhengling Wang, and Muhua Zheng. "The correlation between independent edge and triangle degrees promote the explosive information spreading. Physica A, 2024,640: 129702.
4. Jiao Wu, Xiyun Zhang, Changgui Gu, Hongjie Bi, Kesheng Xu, and Muhua Zheng. "The effects of long-range connections on navigation in suprachiasmatic nucleus networks." Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023,111: 18493-18504.
5. Zheng Yang, Jiao Wu, Jiaxu He, Kesheng Xu, and Muhua Zheng. Asymmetric inter-layer interactions induce a double transition of information spreading. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023, 117:113487.
6. Xinyi Wang, Xiyun Zhang, Muhua Zheng, Leijun Xu, and Kesheng Xu*. Noise-induced coexisting firing patterns in hybrid-synaptic interacting networks. Physica A, 2023,615: 128591.
7. Xinjia Zhou, Changhai Tian, Xiyun Zhang, Muhua Zheng, and Kesheng Xu*. Short-term plasticity as a mechanism to regulate and retain multistability. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals , 2022, 165:112891.
8. Yaning Li, Lvqing Bi, Chunbiao Li, Kesheng Xu, and Yongxin Li. A Henon-like chaotic map and its application in image encryption combined with compressed sensing. Physica Scripta, 2022, 98:015224.
9. Jiao Wu, Kesheng Xu, Xiyun Zhang, and Muhua Zheng. Distinct spreading patterns induced by coexisting channels in information spreading dynamics. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2022, 8:32.
10. JianFang Zhou, EnHua Jiang, BangLin Xu, Kesheng Xu, Changsong Zhou, and WuJie Yuan. Synaptic changes modulate spontaneous transitions between tonic and bursting neural activities in coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons. Physical Review E, 104, 2021,104: 054407.
11. Kesheng Xu*, Jean Paul Maidana, and Patricio Orio. Diversity of neuronal activity is provided by hybrid synapses. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 105: 2693-2710.
12. Jiao Wu, Muhua Zheng, Kesheng Xu, and Changgui Gu. Effects of two channels on explosive information spreading. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 99: 2387-2397.
13. Patricio Orio, Marilyn Gatica, Rubén Herzog, Jean Paul Maidana, Samy Castro, and Kesheng Xu*. Chaos versus noise as drivers of multistability in neural networks. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2018, 28:10.
14. Kesheng Xu, Jean Paul Maidana, Samy Castro, and Patricio Orio. Synchronization transition in neuronal networks composed of chaotic or non-chaotic oscillators." Scientific reports, 2018, 8: 8370.
15. Changhai Tian, Liang Cao, Hongjie Bi, Kesheng Xu, and Zonghua Liu. Chimera states in neuronal networks with time delay and electromagnetic induction. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 93: 1695-1704.
16. Kesheng Xu, Jean Paul Maidana, Mauricio Caviedes, Daniel Quero, Pablo Aguirre, and Patricio Orio. Hyperpolarization-activated current induces period-doubling cascades and chaos in a cold thermoreceptor model. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 2017,11: 12.
17. Kesheng Xu, Xiyun Zhang, Chaoqing Wang, and Zonghua Liu. A simplified memory network model based on pattern formations. Scientific reports, 2014, 4: 7568.
18. Kesheng Xu, Wenwen Huang, Baowen Li, Mukesh Dhamala, and Zonghua Liu. Controlling self-sustained spiking activity by adding or removing one network link. Europhysics Letters, 2013, 102: 50002.
19. Guoning Tang, Kesheng Xu, and Luoluo Jiang. Synchronization in a chaotic neural network with time delay depending on the spatial distance between neurons. Physical Review E 84, 2011,4: 046207.
20. ChunBiao Li, Kesheng Xu, and Wen Hu. Sprott system locked on chaos with constant Lyapunov exponent spectrum and its anti-synchronization.物理学报2011: 120504.

研究生: 周鑫嘉(北京师范大学读博),杨铮(西安交通大学读博),朱高标(苏州吴江实验中学)
本科生: 宋超(华东师范大学读研),周星雨(北京航空航天大学读研),戴祺(江苏大学读研),顾天怡(南京航空航天大学读研)

1. 2022—2023学年,江苏大学优秀学业导师.