

冯伟,女,1984年出生,中共党员,教授,硕士生导师,现任大学物理教学部系主任。南京大学理学学士,中科院工学博士,曾在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学、英国利物浦大学、美国犹他大学访问学习。获得省级讲课比赛一等奖两项,省微课比赛二等奖一项,校级讲课比赛一等奖两项等。获评江苏大学优秀教师、江苏大学青年学术骨干教师、江苏大学奋达杰出英才奖、江苏大学课程思政优秀团队负责人等荣誉。主讲课程:大学物理,大学物理实验,college physics等。



1.Mao Y, Feng W, Song G H, et al. Extreme pulse generation by interband cascade laser with optical injection and step-down current perturbations,PHYSICAL REVIEW A 109, 053506 (2024):053506.
2.Y. Mao, W. Feng*, Y. H. Zheng, C. Wang and J. C. Cao, Dynamic performance of terahertz quantum cascade laser with double optical feedbacks: Role of the external cavity, Results in Physics 53(2023):106963.
3.S. T. Wei, M. Liu, W. Feng*, C. Wang and J. C. Cao, Transient nonlinear dynamics in electrically modulated quantum cascade laser with optical injection,Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 56 (2023):125401.
5.W. Feng, S. T. Wei, Y. Zheng, C.Wang, J.C. Cao, Theoretical Analysis of Terahertz Frequency Multiplier Based on Semiconductor Superlattices. Nanomaterials 12 (2022): 1114.
6.W. Feng, S. T. Wei, C. Wang and J. C. Cao, Nonlinear electron transport in miniband superlattice driven by dual terahertz fields and a transverse magnetic field, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 36, No. 13 (2022): 2250012.
7.冯伟,韦舒婷,曹俊诚,6G 技术发展愿景与太赫兹通信,物理学报,Vol. 70, No. 24 (2021):244303.
8.W. Feng, Hydrodynamic simulation of chaotic dynamics in InGaAs oscillator in terahertz region, Chin. Phys. B. , Vol. 29, No. 4 (2020): 047302.
9.W. Feng, Oscillations up to terahertz frequency in resonant tunneling diodes, Microw Opt Technol Lett. 62 (2020): 2692.
10.W. Feng, Hydrodynamic simulation of InGaAs terahertz oscillations, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 33, No. 19 (2019): 1950204.
11.Y. Zhong, W. Feng, Zheng Liu, C. Zhang, J.C. Cao, Nonlinear optical conductivity of Weyl semimetals in the terahertz regime, Physica B: Condensed Matter 555 (2019): 81–84.
12.H. T. Yan, W. Feng, Zheng Liu, and J. C. Cao, Voltage-adjustable terahertz hyperbolic metamaterial based on graphene and doped silicon, AIP Advances 9 (2019): 015108.
13.W. Feng, L.J. Shi, Nonlinear dynamics in a terahertz-driven double-layer graphene diode, Journal of Semiconductors, Vol. 39, No.12 (2018) : 124012.
14.W. Feng, Hydrodynamic simulations of terahertz oscillation in double-layer graphene, Journal of Semiconductors, Vol. 39, No. 12 (2018): 122005.
15.冯伟,张戎,曹俊诚,基于石墨烯的太赫兹器件研究进展,物理学报,22 (2015):229501.
16.W. Feng, Asya Tawfiq, J. C. Cao, and C. Zhang*, Energy-loss rate of a fast particle in two-dimensional semiconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, Applied Physics Letters, 102 (2013): 052113.
17.Feng Wei, Zhang rong, Cao Jun-cheng,Progress in terahertz radar technology, Physics, vol 42 (2013): 846.
18.W. Feng, Nonlinear dynamics in wurtzite InN diodes under terahertz radiation, Chinese Physics B, 21 (2012): 037306.
19.W. Feng, Terahertz Current Oscillation in Wurtzite InN, Chinese Physics Letter, 29 (2012): 017304.
20.W. Feng, Review of terahertz semiconductor sources, Journal of Semiconductors, 33 (2012): 031001.
21.Y. J. Han, W. Feng, and J. C. Cao*, Optimization of radiative recombination in terahertz quantum cascade lasers for high temperature operation, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012): 113111.
22.W. Feng and J. C. Cao, Nonlinear dynamics in GaAs1-xNx diodes under terahertz radiation, J. Appl. Phys. 106 (2009): 033708.
23.W. Feng and J. C. Cao, Theoretical study of terahertz current oscillation in GaAs1-xNx, J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008): 013111.

1. 2022年获评江苏大学课程思政优秀案例;
2. 2021年获评江苏大学“课程思政”先进教学团队负责人;
3. 2020年获评“江苏大学优秀教师”;
4. 2018年获评“江苏大学奋达杰出青年英才奖”第三层次;
5. 2018年第二届江苏省本科高校青年教师教学竞赛一等奖;
6. 2018年江苏省高校第十一届基础物理教师上好一堂课竞赛一等奖;
7. 2016年获评江苏大学“青年骨干教师培养工程”青年学术带头人;
8. 2015年江苏大学教学成果二等奖;
9. 2015年江苏省高校微课教学比赛本科组二等奖;