

郑木华,教授,博士生导师,江苏特聘教授。2017年博士毕业于华东师范大学,2015至2016年在美国纽约城市大学联合培养,2017至2020年在巴塞罗那大学从事博士后研究工作。长期从事非线性物理和复杂网络交叉领域的研究工作,重点关注大脑和社会网络中的信息传播问题。目前已在PNAS, Nat. Commun.,Commun. Phys.等国际著名期刊上发表论文30余篇。研究工作得到了国内外同行的高度关注,相关学术论文被物理领域高影响力的期刊 Nat. Phys.,Nat. Rev. Phys.,Phys. Rep.等多次重点引用。研究成果被 AAAS EurekAlert,PhysOrg,News Medical等多家在学术界有重要影响力的杂志和媒体专门报道。



2.国家自然科学基金青年基金,120050749,基于双曲空间的复杂网络流行病传播动力学研究, 2021/01-2023/12,已结题,主持
4.江苏省青年基金,BK20220511, 高阶相互作用下的网络信息传播建模及动力学分析,2022/07-2025/06, 在研,参与
5.Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), Mapping Big Data Systems: embedding large complex networks in low-dimensional hidden metric spaces, 2018/06-2020/06,10万欧元,已结题,参与

1.Muhua Zheng, Guillermo García-Pérez, Marián Boguñá, M Ángeles Serrano, Geometric renormalization of weighted networks. Communications Physics, 7(1), 97(2024).
2.Xuhui Wang, Jiao Wu, Zheng Yang, Kesheng Xu, Zhengling Wang, Muhua Zheng*, The correlation between independent edge and triangle degrees promote the explosive information spreading. Physica A, 640, 129702 (2024).
3.Gaobiao Zhu, Yan Zhang, Jiao Wu, Muhua Zheng, Kesheng Xu, Chaos shapes transient synchrony activities and switchings in the excitatory-inhibitory networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 1-16 (2024).
4.Zheng Yang, Jiao Wu, Jiaxu He, Kesheng Xu, Muhua Zheng *, Asymmetric inter-layer interactions induce a double transition of information spreading, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 171, 113487 (2023).
5.Xinyi Wang, Xiyun Zhang, Muhua Zheng, Leijun Xu, Kesheng Xu. Noise-induced coexisting firing patterns in hybrid-synaptic interacting networks. Physica A 615, 128591(2023).
6.Jiao Wu, Kesheng Xu, Xiyun Zhang, and Muhua Zheng*. Distinct spreading patterns induced by coexisting channels in information spreading dynamics. Chaos 32(8), 083134 (2022).
7.X. Zhang, Z. Ruan, M. Zheng, J. Zhou, S. Boccaletti, and B. Barzel. Epidemic spreading under mutually independent intra-and inter-host pathogen evolution. Nature Communications, 13(1), 6218 (2022).
8.X. Zhou, C. Tian, X. Zhang, M. Zheng, K. Xu. Short-term plasticity as a mechanism to regulate and retain multistability. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 165, 112891 (2022).
9.Muhua Zheng, Guillermo García-Peréz, Marián Boguñá, and M. Ángeles Serrano, Scaling up real networks by geometric branching growth,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 e2018994118 (2021). 被美国科学促进会(AAAS)的全球科技新闻网EurekAlert特别报道,见https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-06/uob-anm060121.php
10.Siyu Huo, Changhai Tian, Muhua Zheng, Shuguang Guan, Changsong Zhou, and Zonghua Liu, Spatial multi-scaled chimera states of cerebral cortex network and its inherent structure-dynamics relationship in human brain, National Science Review, 8 (1), nwaa125 (2021). (被美国科学促进会(AAAS)的全球科技新闻网EurekAlert特别报道,见 https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-09/scp-tse092719.php)
11.Muhua Zheng, Antoine Allard, Patric Hagmann, Yasser Alemán-Gómez, and M. Ángeles Serrano, Geometric renormalization unravels self-similarity of the multiscale human connectome, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117 (33), 20244-20253 (2020). 被美国科学促进会(AAAS)的全球科技新闻网EurekAlert特别报道,见https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-11/uob-nmv110420.php
12.Shengfeng Wang, Muhua Zheng*, and Jinghua Xiao. Mixed distribution model of human communication and its impacts on the spreading process. EPL 129(2), 20002 (2020).
13.Xiaoyu Xue, Liming Pan, Muhua Zheng, Wei Wang, Network temporality can promote and suppress information spreading. Chaos, 30(11), 113136 (2020).
14.Xiyun Zhang, Zhongyuan Ruan, Muhua Zheng, Baruch Barzel, S. Boccaletti. Epidemic spreading under infection-reduced-recovery. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 140, 110130 (2020).
15.Jiao Wu, Muhua Zheng, Kesheng Xu, and Changgui Gu. Effects of two channels on explosive information spreading. Nonlinear Dynamics 99(3), 2387-2397 (2020).
16.Jiao Wu,  Muhua Zheng*, ZiKe Zhang, Wei Wang,  Changgui Gu,  & Zonghua Liu, A model of spreading of sudden events on social networks. Chaos 28(3), 033113(2018).
17.Dandan Chen, Muhua Zheng*, Ming Zhao, and Yu Zhang, A dynamic vaccination strategy to suppress the recurrent epidemic outbreaks. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 113, 108-114 (2018).
18.Wei Wang, Meng Cai, and Muhua Zheng. Social contagions on correlated multiplex networks, Physica A, 499, 121-128 (2018).
19.Jiao Wu, Muhua Zheng, Wei Wang, Huijie Yang, and Changgui Gu, Double transition of information spreading in a two-layered network, Chaos 28, 083117 (2018).
20.Byungjoon Min, and Muhua Zheng. Correlated network of networks enhances robustness against catastrophic failures. PloS one 13(4), e0195539 (2018).
21.Hengcong Liu, Muhua Zheng, and Zonghua Liu. A paradox of epidemics between the state and parameter spaces. Sci. Rep. 8,7517 (2018).
22.Muhua Zheng, Wei Wang, Ming Tang, Jie Zhou, Stefano Boccaletti, and Zonghua Liu. Multiple peaks patterns of epidemic spreading in multi-layer networks. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,107,135-142 (2018).(美国匹兹堡大学网站 https://www.tycho.pitt.edu/featured-works/对此工作做了专题特别报道)
23.Muhua Zheng, Ming Zhao, Byungjoon Min, and Zonghua Liu, Synchronized and mixed outbreaks of coupled recurrent epidemics , Scientific reports 7 (1), 2424 (2017).
24.Hengcong Liu, Muhua Zheng, Dayu Wu, Zhenhua Wang, Jinming Liu, and Zonghua Liu, Hysteresis loop of non-periodic outbreaks of recurrent epidemics. Physical Review E 94 (6), 062318 (2017) .
25.Muhua Zheng, Zhongyuan Ruan, Ming Tang, Younghae Do & Zonghua Liu, Influence of periodic traffic congestion on epidemic spreading,International Journal of Modern Physics C, 27(05), 1650048 (2016).
26.Muhua Zheng, Chaoqing Wang, Jie Zhou, Ming Zhao, Shuguang Guan, Yong Zou & Zonghua Liu. Non-periodic outbreaks of recurrent epidemics and its network modelling. Scientific reports. 5, 16010 (2015). (美国匹兹堡大学网站 https://www.tycho.pitt.edu/featured-works/对此工作做了专题特别报道)
27.Dayu Wu, Yanping Zhao, Muhua Zheng, Jie Zhou, and Zonghua Liu. Reverse-feeding effect of epidemic by propagators in two-layered networks, Chinese Physics B, 25(2), 028701 (2015).
28.Yanping Zhao, Muhua Zheng, and Zonghua Liu,A unified framework of mutual influence between two pathogens in multiplex networks, Chaos 24, 043129 (2014).
29.Muhua Zheng, Linyuan Lü, Ming Zhao, Spreading in Online Social Network: The Role of Social Reinforcement,Physical Review E 88, 012818 (2013).
30.Muhua Zheng, Luo-luo Jiang, Ming Zhao, Empirical research on the Stock trading about the time interval distribution characteristics. Complex Systems and Complexity Science 9 (2), 31-35 (2012) (in Chinese).  (in Chinese).

2.董高高, 郑木华,杜瑞瑾, 贾强,韩敦;复杂物联网的安全抗毁性及通信传输一致性行为分析, 江苏省工程师协会, 成果奖, 省部二等奖, 2023。
