

Email: yangxs@ujs.edu.cn


1. 江苏省面上基金:非厄米量子系统的拓扑性质研究,BK20231320,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金:低维自旋轨道耦合费米气体的量子蒙特卡罗研究,11504143,主持;
3. 中国博士后科学基金:自旋轨道耦合超冷费米气体的研究,2012M520147,主持;
4. 江苏大学高级人才启动基金,主持;

1. Xiang Ji, Wenchen Ding, Yuanping Chen*, and Xiaosen Yang*, Non-Hermitian second-order topological superconductors, Physical Review B, 109, 125420 (2024) (Nature index 期刊);
2. Xiang Ji and Xiaosen Yang*, Generalized bulk-boundary correspondence in periodically driven non-Hermitian systems [Topical Review], J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36, 243001(2024) (邀请综述,SCI 三区);
3. Naeem Akhtar, Xiaosen Yang*, Muhammad Asjad, Jia-Xin Peng, Gao Xianlong*, and Yuanping Chen*, Compasslike states in a thermal reservoir and fragility of their nonclassical features, Physical Review A, 109, 053718 (2024) (Nature index 期刊);
4. Jianyu Li, Zhangkai Cao, Jiahao Su, Ruipeng Wang, Haipeng Li, Yusuke Nomura, Xiaosen Yang*, and Ho-Kin Tang*, Ab initio studies on interactions in K3C60 under high pressure, Physical Review B, 109, 134513 (2024) (Nature index 期刊);
5. Abdul Wahab*, Muqaddar Abbas, Xiaosen Yang*, and Yuanping Chen*, Electromagnetically induced acoustic transparency using a superconducting transmon circuit, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 318(2024) (SCI 三区);
6. Yang Li, Yang Cao, Yuanping Chen*, and Xiaosen Yang*, Universal characteristics of one-dimensional non-Hermitian superconductors, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35, 055401(2023) (SCI 三区);
7. Yang Li, Xiang Ji, Yuanping Chen*, Xiaohong Yan, and Xiaosen Yang*, Topological energy braiding of non-Bloch bands, Physical Review B, 106, 195425 (2022) (Nature index 期刊);
8. Xiaosen Yang*, Yang Cao, and Yunjia Zhai, Non-HermitianWeyl semimetals: Non-Hermitian skin effect and non-Bloch bulk–boundary correspondence, Chin. Phys. B, 31, 010308 (2022) (SCI 三区);
9. 刘佳琳, 庞婷方, 杨孝森, 王正岭*, 无序非厄米Su-Schrieffer-Heeger 中的趋肤效应, 物理学报, 71, 227402 (2022) (SCI 四区);
10. Yang Cao, Yang Li, Xiaosen Yang*, Non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence in a periodically driven system, Phys Rev B, 103, 075126(2021) (Nature index 期刊);
11. Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Ning Xu, Jing Zhou, Ming Gong, Dynamical instability with respect to finite-momentum pairing in quenched BCS superconducting phases, Phys Rev B, 99, 014517(2019) (Nature index 期刊);
12. Xiaosen Yang*, Beibing Huang, Zhengling Wang, Floquet Topological Superfluid and Majorana Zero Modes in Two-Dimensional Periodically Driven Fermi Systems, Scientific Reports, 8, 2243(2018) (SCI 二区);
13. Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Ning Xu, Ming Gong, Type-I and type-II topological nodal superconductors with s-wave interaction, Phys Rev B, 97, 045142(2018) (Nature index 期刊);
14. Beibing Huang and Xiaosen Yang, Mott insulator-superfluid phase transition in two-band Bose-Hubbard models with gapless nodal lines, J. Phys. B, 51, 015302 (2018) (SCI 三区);
15. Beibing Huang and Xiaosen Yang, Nodal Topological Phases in s-wave Superfluid of Ultracold Fermionic Gases, Commun. Theor. Phys. 69137 (2018) (SCI 三区);
16. Zhongbo Yan, Bo Li, Xiaosen Yang and Shaolong Wan*, Floquet Quantum Spin Hall Insulator in Cold Atomic Systems, Scientific Reports, 5, 16197(2015) (SCI 二区);
17. Ho-Kin Tang, Xiaosen Yang*, Jinhua Sun, Hai-Qing Lin*, Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thoules phase transition of spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas in optical lattice, EPL, 107, 40003(2014) (SCI 四区);
18. Zhongbo Yan, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan*, Supersolid in Bose-Bose-Fermi mixtures subjected to a square lattice, J. Phys. B 46, 055302(2013) (SCI 三区);
19. Zhongbo Yan, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan*, Topological superfluid in one-dimensional ultracold atomic system with spin-orbit coupling, European Physical Journal B, 86,347(2013) (SCI 四区);
20. Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan*, A new non-Abelian topological superfluid of cold Fermi gases in anisotropic and spin-dependent optical lattices, J. Phys. B, 46, 025301(2013) (SCI 三区);
21. Xiaosen Yang, Beibing Huang, Hai-Qing Lin*, Phase Diagram of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases in a Bilayer Optical Lattice, J. Phys. B, 46, 205302(2013) (SCI 三区);
22. Xiaosen Yang and Shaolong Wan*,Phase diagram of a uniform two-dimensional Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling, Phys Rev A, 85, 023633 (2012) (Nature index 期刊);
23. Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan*, Topological superfluid of spinless Fermi gases in p-band honeycomb optical lattices with on-site rotation, EPL, 100, 26003(2012) (SCI 四区);
24. Xiaosen Yang and Shaolong Wan*, Topological phase separation in trapped ultracold fermionic gases, J. Phys. B, 45,065301 (2012) (SCI 三区);
25. Xiaosen Yang, Beibing Huang, and Shaolong Wan*, BCS-BEC crossover in mix-dimensional Fermi gases, Eur. Phys. J. B, 83, 445(2011) (SCI 四区).

1. 江苏大学第八届教学竞赛新教师组二等奖;
2. 2023 IOP trusted reviewer;
3. 2023 Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Optics;
4. 2023 Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Physics: Condenssed Matter;