Demonstration class of Civics of Electromagnetism


On the morning of October 17, the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering successfully held a demonstration class of school-level course Civics in classroom 204 of Sanshan Building, which was lectured by Associate Professor Lv Cuihong from the Department of Physics.

During the lecture, Ms. Lv introduced the magnetic phenomena, and organically integrated the contribution of China in magnetism, so that all students could understand the exploration and achievements of our ancient sages in physics, and cultivate students' In the introduction of the connection between magnetic and electric phenomena, Mr. Lv extended the introduction of Auster's repeated experiments and persistent investigation of the relationship between electricity and magnetism, so that students could experience the scientific spirit of scientists' perseverance, hard work and never giving up; and by comparing electrostatic and static magnetic fields, students could understand the beauty of symmetry in the physical world.

The Civic Science demonstration class fully explored the Civic Science elements contained in the professional course of "Electromagnetism" and organically integrated the professional teaching with Civic Science education, and the teaching effect was unanimously approved by the teachers and students present. The School of Physics and Electricity will continue to adhere to the mission of moral education and realize the dual objectives of professional courses in terms of knowledge transfer and value leadership in the course construction process of Civics in the curriculum and curriculum integration of Civics.