The "Digitalization Boosts the Construction of Physics Course Knowledge Map" group discussion went smoothly


From August 25th to 27th, the "National Higher Education Physics Basic Course Digitalization Work Conference and the Promotion Meeting for the Construction of Virtual Teaching and Research Rooms for University Physics Courses Group" hosted by the Teaching Guidance Committee of University Physics Courses of the Ministry of Education and undertaken by Jiangsu University was successfully held at our university. On the morning of the 27th, in order to strengthen the exchange with the participating teachers and deepen the conference theme, the meeting specially set up group discussion sessions.

At the group discussion on the digitalization boost of the construction of the physics course knowledge map in Group C, first, nearly twenty outstanding young teachers from East China Normal University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Shanghai University of Technology, Hebei University of Science and Technology, and other universities expressed their understanding, expectations, and doubts about the knowledge map. Subsequently, Professor Wang Qing, Director of the Institute of Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Astrophysics of the Department of Physics at Tsinghua University, and Director of the High Energy Physics Research Center of Tsinghua University, and Director of the Teaching Guidance Committee of University Physics Courses of the Ministry of Education, started from the perspective of "student development" and proposed that the construction of the knowledge map can be used as a reference for helping students to learn independently and personalize their learning by simplifying the difficulty, posing questions, and reconstructing fragments. Miao Keke, President of Higher Education Press, took the relationship between mind maps and knowledge maps as the starting point and raised thought-provoking questions about the dynamics and statics, visibility, and invisibility of the knowledge map. Feng Xu, Director of the Department of Physics Teaching at Jiangsu University, elaborated on the understanding of the difference and connection between the knowledge map and mind map. Finally, technical personnel from the Chaoxing FanYa platform introduced the technical support for the construction of the knowledge map and demonstrated the embryonic form of the knowledge map that the School of Physics and Electronic Information at Jiangsu University is collaborating with the platform on.

This group discussion deepened the teachers' understanding of the knowledge map and further enhanced their interest and confidence in constructing the knowledge map. All the participating teachers from various universities expressed their strong anticipation of joining the virtual teaching and research room for university physics courses and working together to build high-quality knowledge maps, thus creating a better future for the development of digital teaching.