Hongxiang Sun



Hongxiang Sun
Position and Technical Title:
Assistant Dean、Professor、Doctoral Supervisor
Research Areas
Acoustic topological insulators, acoustic metamaterials, acoustic supersurfaces
Graduate Admission Professions:

Master: Physics, Electronic Science and Technology                               

PhD: Computer Science and Technology, Agricultural Mechanical Engineering

Corresponding Address
Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, No.301, Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province(212013)
Education and Work Experience

               2021/06-present,Jiangsu University, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Professor                
               2020/06-2021/06, Jiangsu University, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Associate Professor                
               2004/07-2020/05, Jiangsu University, College of Science, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Associate Professor                
               2018/12-2019/12, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Visiting Scholar                
               2014/12-2018/07, Jiangsu University, Power Engineering and Thermal Physics, Postdoctoral                
               2010/09-2013/09, Nanjing University, Acoustics, PhD in Science                
               2006/09-2009/06, Jiangsu University, Optical Engineering, M.Eng.                
               2000/09-2004/07, Nanjing Normal University, Physics, B.S.                
Academic and Social Part-time
Member of the Education Branch of the Chinese Society of Acoustics, Member of the Youth Engineering Committee of the Jiangsu Acoustical Society, Reviewer Adv. Sci., Laser Photonics Rev., Adv. Optical Mater., Adv. Mater. tech. Express, J.Phys.D, JASA, J. Appl. Phys., Sci. Rep., Mater. Res. Express, Chin. Phys. B, Acta Phys. Sin. and other international journals.
Teaching Courses

               ● Acoustic Artificial Materials (graduate student)                
               ● University Physics (undergraduate)                
               ● University Physics Experiments (undergraduate students, study abroad undergraduates)                
Academic Research Topic

Project in progress                
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China (11774137)                
[2] Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Acoustic Information in Sound Field (SKLA202016)                
Completed projects                
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Program (11404147)                
[2] Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Youth Project (BK20140519)                
[3] Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Acoustic Information in Sound Field (SKLOA201109)                
[4] State Key Laboratory of Acoustic Information in Sound Field (SKLOA201308)                
[5] State Key Laboratory of Acoustic Information for Sound Fields (SKLOA201607)                
[6] State Key Laboratory of Acoustic Information in Sound Fields (SKLA201813)                
[7] China Postdoctoral Fund (2015M571672)                
[8] Open Project of Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, Ministry of Education (1105)                
[9] Open Project of Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, Ministry of Education (1304)                
[10] Open Project of Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, Ministry of Education (1510)                
[11] Natural Science Research Project of Jiangsu University (12KJB14003)                  
Academic Publications

★2020 (#equal contribution,*corresponding author)                
[62] H. R. Xue#, Y. Ge#, H. X. Sun*, Q. Wang, D. Jia, Y. J. Guan, S. Q. Yuan, Y. D. Chong*, and B. L. Zhang*. Observation of an acoustic octupole topological insulator. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 2442.                
[61] G. G. Liu#, P. H. Zhou#, Y. H. Yang*, H. R. Xue, X. Ren, X. Lin, H. X. Sun, L. Bi, Y. D. Chong*, and B. L. Zhang*, Observation of an unpaired photonic Dirac point. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 1873.                
[60] G. G. Liu, Y. H. Yang*, X. Ren, H. R. Xue, X. Lin, Y. H. Hu, H. X. Sun, B. Peng, P. H. Zhou*, Y. D. Chong*, and B. L. Zhang*. Topological Anderson insulator in disordered photonic crystals. Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125: 133603.                
[59] J. Qian#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun#*, Y. Wang, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, Y. H. Yang*, X. J. Liu, and B. L Zhang*. Aperiodic metagratings for high-performance multifunctional acoustic lenses. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2020, 5: 202000542.                
[58] T. C. Zhang#, J. H. Chen#, J. Qian#, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, H. X. Sun*, and X. J. Liu*. Observation of ultrabroadband acoustic focusing based on V-Shaped meta-atoms. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2020, 5: 1900956.                
[57] J. Qian#, Y. Wang#, J. P. Xia#, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, H. X. Sun*, and X. J. Liu*. Broadband integrative acoustic asymmetric focusing lens based on mode-conversion meta-atoms. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116: 223505.                
[56] Y. J. Lu#, Y. Ge#, S. Q. Yuan, H. X. Sun*, and X. J. Liu*. Acoustic logic gates by a curved waveguide with ultrathin metasurfaces. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020, 53: 015301.                
[55] Y. H. Yang#, H. X. Sun#, J. P. Xia, H. R. Xue, Z. Gao, Y. Ge, D. Jia, S. Q. Yuan, Y. D. Chong*, and B. L. Zhang*. Topological triply degenerate point with double Fermi arcs. Nature Physics, 2019, 15: 645-649.                
[54] Y. H. Yang#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, Y. Ge, D. Jia, S. Q. Yuan, S. Y. Yang, Y. D. Chong*, and B. L. Zhang*. Observation of a topological nodal surface and its surface-state arcs in an artificial acoustic crystal. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 5185.                
[53] Y. Y. Sun#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, Y. Ge, and X. J. Liu*. Dual-band Fano resonance of low-frequency sound based on artificial Mie resonances. Advanced Science, 2019, 6: 1901307.                
[52] Y. Wang#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, Y. Ge, Q. R. Si, Y. Y. Guan, and X. J. Liu*. Multifunctional asymmetric sound manipulations by a passive phased array prism. Physical Review Applied, 2019, 12: 024033.                
[51] Y. Ge, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, and Y. Lai*. Switchable omnidirectional acoustic insulation through open window structures with ultrathin metasurfaces. Physical Review Materials, 2019, 3: 065203.                
[50] J. Qian, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, and X. J. Liu*. Enhanced directional acoustic emission based on anisotropic metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114: 013506.                
[49] Y. Wang#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, and X. J. Liu*. Binary-phase acoustic passive logic gates. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 8355.                
[48] J. Qian#, Y. Wang#, S. Q. Yuan, H. X. Sun*, and X. J. Liu*. Reflected acoustic wavefront manipulation by an ultrathin metasurface based on three-dimensional generalized Snell’s law. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12: 094001.                
[47] D. Jia, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, C. Zhang, and X. J. Liu*. Pseudospin- dependent acoustic topological insulator by airborne sonic crystals with a triangular lattice. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12: 044003.                
[46] W. T. Gao#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, Y. Ge, and X. J. Liu*. Acoustic energy harvesting for low-frequency airborne sound based on compound Mie resonances. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12: 044002.                
[45] H. X. Sun*, A. R. Hou, J. Qian, Y. Ge*, S. Q. Yuan, Y. J. Guan, Q. R. Si, and X. J. Liu*. Broadband acoustic converging and asymmetric converging based on thermoacoustic phased arrays. Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125: 024504.                
[44] D. Jia, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, and H. X. Sun*. Dual-band acoustic topological insulator based on honeycomb lattice sonic crystal. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68: 224301.                
[43] J. P. Xia#, D. Jia#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, Y. Ge, Q. R. Si, and X. J. Liu*. Programmable coding acoustic topological insulator. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30: 1805002.                
[42] J. P. Xia, X. T. Zhang, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, J. Qian, and Y. Ge. Broadband tunable acoustic asymmetric focusing lens from dual-layer metasurfaces. Physical Review Applied, 2018, 10: 014016                
[41] D. Jia, H. X. Sun*, J. P. Xia, S. Q. Yuan, X. J. Liu*, and C. Zhang. Acoustic topological insulator by honeycomb sonic crystals with direct and indirect band gaps. New Journal of Physics, 2018, 20: 093027.                
[40] Y. Ge, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, and Y. Lai *. Broadband unidirectional and omnidirectional bidirectional acoustic insulation through an open window structure with a metasurface of ultrathin hooklike meta-atoms. Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112: 243502.                
[39] H. X. Sun#, J. H. Chen #, Y. Ge*, S. Q. Yuan, and X. J. Liu*. Broadband and flexible acoustic focusing by metafiber bundles. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51: 245102.                
[38] A. R. Hou#, W. T. Gao#, J. Qian#, H. X. Sun*, Y. Ge*, S. Q. Yuan, Q. R. Si, and X. J. Liu. Thermoacoustic-reflected focusing lens based on acoustic Bessel-like beam with phase manipulation. Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27: 124301.                
[37] C. Y. Zuo #, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, Y. Ge, S. Q. Yuan, and X. J. Liu*. Broadband acoustic logic gates in a circular waveguide with multiple ports. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 111: 243501.                
[36] J. P. Xia, H. X. Sun*, and S. Q. Yuan*. Modulating sound with acoustic metafiber bundles. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 8151.                
[35] C. Liu #, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, and S. Q. Yuan*. Thermoacoustic focusing lens by symmetric Airy beams with phase manipulations. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50: 505101.                
[34] H. X. Sun*, Y. L. Huang, J. P. Xia, and S. Q. Yuan*. Asymmetric acoustic convergence in a metal plate with binary wave-path slits. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50: 35LT02.                
[33] Y. J. Guan, H. X. Sun*, J. P. Xia, and S. Q. Yuan*. Broadband asymmetric acoustic transmission in a single medium by an array of heat sources. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50: 165102.                
[32] J. Qian#, J. P. Xia#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, Y. Ge, and X. Z. Yu. Broadband acoustic focusing by cavity structures with phase manipulations. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122: 244501.                
[31] Y. Ge, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, and J. P. Xia. Asymmetric acoustic transmission in an open channel based on multiple scattering mechanism. Applied Physics A, 2017, 123: 328.                
[30] J. Qian#, B. Y. Liu#, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, and X. Z. Yu. Broadband acoustic focusing by symmetric Airy beams with phased arrays comprised of different numbers of cavity structures. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26: 114304.                
[29] D. Jia, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, and Y. Ge. Ultra-broadband asymmetric acoustic transmission with single transmitted beam. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26: 024302.                
[28] H. X. Sun*, X. Fang, Y. Ge, X. D. Ren, and S. Q. Yuan*. Acoustic focusing lens with near-zero refractive index based on coiling-up space structure. Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66: 244301.                
[27] C. Liu, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, J. P. Xia, and J. Qian. Acoustic focusing by thermoacoustic phased array. Acta Physica Sinica, 2017, 66: 154302.                
[26] Y. L. Huang, H. X. Sun*, J. P. Xia, S. Q. Yuan*, and X. L. Ding. Multi-band asymmetric acoustic transmission in a bended waveguide with multiple mechanisms. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109: 013501.                
[25] Y. Ge, H. X. Sun*, C. Liu, J. Qian, S. Q. Yuan*, J. P. Xia, Y. J. Guan, and S. Y. Zhang. Acoustic focusing by an array of heat sources in air. Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9: 066701.                
[24] J. P. Xia, H. X. Sun*, Q. Cheng, Z. Xu, H. Chen, S. Q. Yuan*, S. Y. Zhang, Y. Ge, and Y. J. Guan. Theoretical and experimental verification of acoustic focusing in metal cylinder structure. Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9: 057301.                
[23] H. X. Sun*, S. Y. Zhang*, S. Q. Yuan*, and J. P. Xia. Experimental verification of manipulating propagation directions of transmitted waves in asymmetric acoustic transmission. Applied Physics A, 2016, 122: 328.                
[22] Y. Ge, H. X. Sun*, S. S. Liu, S. Q. Yuan*, J. P. Xia, Y. J. Guan, and S. Y. Zhang. Extraordinary acoustic transmission through annuluses in air and its applications in acoustic beam splitter and concentrator. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2016, 87: 1734-1736.                
[21] H. X. Sun*, S. Y. Zhang*, and S. Q. Yuan. Control of pass-bands in asymmetric acoustic transmission. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25: 124313.                
[20] Y. J. Guan, H. X. Sun*, S. S. Liu, S. Q. Yuan*, J. P. Xia, and Y. Ge. Acoustic focusing through two layer annuluses in air. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25: 104302.                
[19] Y. J. Guan, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan, S. Y. Zhang, and Y. Ge. Laser-generated Rayleigh waves propagating in transparent viscoelastic adhesive coating/metal substrate systems. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2016, 37: 101.                
[18] H. X. Sun*, S. Y. Zhang, S. Q. Yuan, Y. J. Guan, and Y. Ge. Laser-generated Lamb waves propagation in multilayered plates composed of viscoelastic fiber-reinforced composite materials. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2016, 37: 68.                
[17] C. Liu, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, and J. P. Xia. Broadband acoustic focusing effect based on temperature gradient distribution. Acta Physica Sinica, 2016, 65: 044303.                
[16] Y. J. Guan, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan *, Y. Ge, and J. P. Xia. Propagation characteristics of laser-generated surface acoustic waves in composite plate with gradient changes of near-surface viscous moduli. Acta Physica Sinica, 2016, 65: 224201.                
[15] J. P. Xia and H. X. Sun*. Acoustic focusing by metal circular ring structure. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106: 063505.                
[14] H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, and S. Y. Zhang, Asymmetric acoustic transmission in multiple frequency bands. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107: 213505.                
[13] J. P. Xia, H. X. Sun*, S. Q. Yuan*, and S. Y. Zhang. Extraordinary acoustic transmission based on source pattern enhancement and reconstruction by metal cylinder structure. Applied Physics Express, 2015, 8: 104301.                
[12] H. X. Sun* and S. Y. Zhang*. Laser-generated leaky Rayleigh waves at fluid-coating- substrate interfaces. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2015, 36: 1244-1251.                
[11] H. X. Sun*, S. Y. Zhang*, and J. P. Xia. Propagation characteristics of laser-generated Rayleigh waves in coating-substrate structures with anisotropic and viscoelastic properties. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2015, 36: 1156–1163.                
[10] H. X. Sun and S. Y. Zhang. Enhancement of asymmetric acoustic transmission. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102: 113511.                
[9] H. X. Sun, S. Y. Zhang, and X. J. Shui. A tunable acoustic diode made by a metal plate with periodical structure. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100(11): 103507.                
[8] H. X. Sun and S. Y. Zhang. Thermoviscoelastic excitation and propagation of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic plates by a pulsed laser. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34: 1762–1768.                
[7] H. X. Sun and S. Y. Zhang. Influences of elastic and viscous moduli on laser- generated Lamb waves in viscoelastic plates. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34: 1769–1776.                
[6] H. X. Sun, S. Y. Zhang, and B. Q. Xu. Influence of viscoelastic property on laser- generated surface acoustic waves in coating–substrate systems. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109: 073107.                
[5] H. X. Sun, B. Q. Xu, H. Zhang, Q. Gao, and S. Y. Zhang. Influence of adhesive layer properties on laser-generated ultrasonic waves in thin bonded plates. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20: 014302.                
[4] H. X. Sun and S. Y. Zhang. Thermoviscoelastic finite element modeling of laser-generated ultrasound in viscoelastic plates. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 108: 123101.                
[3] H. X. Sun, B. Q. Xu, G. D. Xu, and C. G. Xu. Study on laser-generated Lamb waves propagation in viscoelastic and anisotropic plate. Chinese Optics Letters, 2010, 8: 776-779.                
[2] H. X. Sun, B. Q. Xu, and R. Z. Qian. Numerical simulation of laser-generated Lamb waves in viscoelastic materials by finite element method. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106: 073108.                
[1] H. X. Sun, B. Q. Xu, J. J. Wang, G. D. Xu, C. G. Xu, and F. Wang. Numerical simulation of laser-generated Rayleigh wave by finite element method on viscoelastic materials. Acta Physica Sinica, 2009, 58: 6344-6350.                

2020 Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor of Jiangsu University                
2020 Outstanding Mentor of Jiangsu University in "Challenge Cup                
2019 First Prize of Science and Technology Progress in Jiangsu Province (Participation/10th)                
2019 Outstanding Instructor of the 16th Physics Innovation Competition for University Students in Jiangsu Province                
2019 Special Contribution Award of College of Science                
2018 Outstanding Teacher of Jiangsu University                
2018 Outstanding Instructor of Challenge Cup Jiangsu University                
2018 Outstanding Instructor of the 15th Physics Innovation Competition for College Students in Jiangsu Universities                
2017 "Best Mentor Award" in the 10th anniversary of National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program                
2017 Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher of "Youth and Blue Project" in Jiangsu University                
2017 High-level talents of "Six Talent Summits" in Jiangsu Province                
2017 Top Ten Teachers of Zhenjiang City                
2017 Outstanding Instructor of the 14th University Physics Innovation Competition in Jiangsu Province                
2017 New Long March Assailant of Jiangsu University                
2017 First Prize of Teaching Achievement of Jiangsu University                
2016 Top Ten Young Teaching Staff of Jiangsu University                
2016 Outstanding Instructor of the 13th University Student Physics Innovation Competition in Jiangsu Universities                
2016 Second Prize of National Micro-course (Systematic) Competition                
2016 Second Prize of Excellent Academic Paper of Jiangsu Province Natural Science Academic Activity Month                
2015 Top Ten Most Popular Teachers of Jiangsu University                
2015 Second Prize of Teaching Achievement of Jiangsu University                
2015 Outstanding Instructor of the 12th Physics Innovation Competition for College Students in Jiangsu Province                
2014 Cultivation candidate of young academic leaders of Jiangsu University                
2014 First Prize of Teaching Competition for Teachers of Jiangsu University                
2013 Second Prize of Excellent Science and Technology Paper (Monograph) of Zhenjiang City                
2012 Academic Newcomer Award for Doctoral Students, Ministry of Education                
2011 Second Prize of Excellent Science and Technology Thesis (Monograph) of Zhenjiang City                
★Supervised students                
2020 Excellent Master's Thesis of Jiangsu Province                
2019 Second Prize and Provincial Special Prize of the 16th Challenge Cup National Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition for College Students                
2019 The first prize of the 16th University Student Physics Innovation Competition in Jiangsu Province, 3 items                
2019 The Second Prize of Excellent Graduation Thesis of Jiangsu Province Undergraduate Universities                
2018 Selected for the exchange of academic papers in the 11th National Annual Conference of Daiso                
2018 The First Prize of the 15th University Student Physics Innovation Competition in Jiangsu Universities                
2018 The First Prize of Excellent Graduation Thesis of Undergraduates in General Universities of Jiangsu Province                
2018 Excellent Paper of Jiangsu Provincial Annual Conference of Grand Innovation                
2018 Second Prize of Excellent Paper of Jiangsu Postgraduate Academic Innovation Forum                
2017 Second Prize and Provincial First Prize of the 15th Challenge Cup National Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition for University Students                
2017 First and second prizes of the 14th Physics Innovation Competition for University Students in Jiangsu Province                
2017 The First Prize of Excellent Graduation Thesis of Jiangsu Province Undergraduate Universities 2017 Outstanding paper and excellent report of the 5th Xi'an-Shanghai Academic Exchange Conference on Acoustics                
2016 Selected to exchange academic papers in the 9th National Annual Conference of Dacron                
2016 Two First Prizes of the 13th University Student Physics Innovation Competition in Jiangsu Province                
2016 Excellent paper in the annual conference of Jiangsu University                
2015 Excellent Academic Paper of the 8th National Annual Conference of Daiso                
2015 The First Prize of the 12th University Student Physics Innovation Competition in Jiangsu Province