Ying Ji



Ying Ji
Position and Technical Title:
Professor、Doctoral Supervisor
Research Areas
Physical Electronics, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
Graduate Admission Professions:
Electronic Science and Technology, Control Science and Engineering
Corresponding Address
Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, No.301, Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province(212013)
Education and Work Experience

● 1996/09-2000/06, Soochow University, College of Physical Science and Technology, B.S.                
● 2003/09-2006/06, Jiangsu University, College of Science, M.S.                
● 2006/09-2010/06, Jiangsu University, College of Science, Ph.                
● 2000/06-present, Jiangsu University, Faculty of Science, Teacher                
● 2014/07-2015/07, Institute of Meteorology, Technical University of Hamburg, Potsdam, Germany, Visiting Scholar                
Academic and Social Part-time

               ● Member of Jiangsu Optical Society.                
               ● Member of Youth Working Committee of Jiangsu Physical Society.                
               ● Youth Member of Biomedical Photonics Society, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering.                
Teaching Courses

               ● Graduate Course Engineering Optics                
               ● Undergraduate courses University Physics, University Physics Experiment                
Academic Research Topic

               ● Projects under research                
               3D imaging reconstruction method of blood cell substructure based on dual-phase optical information                
               Project of "Six Talent Summits" of Jiangsu Province (2015-DZXX-023)                
               ● Completed projects                
               1. Full-domain optical phase imaging method and technique for analysis of neural cell electrodynamic behavior                
               Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11474134)                
               2. Study of cluster-emitting oscillation modes of non-smooth continuous systems and their bifurcation mechanisms                               Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11302086)                
               3. A method of identifying leukocyte subclasses based on light scattering and interference fusion analysis                
               Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20141296)                
               4. A method of biological cell subsurface light scattering phase microscopic imaging and its sensor                
               Postdoctoral Fund of China (2014M561574) Supported                
Academic Publications

(1) Ying Ji, Shuang Fu, Mingming Zhang, et al, Characterization of the Solution Concentration Variation in Microstructure by Phase Imaging, Journal of Modern Optics, 67(5): 454-461                
(2) Ying Ji, Xiang Li, Shuang Fu, et al, A fast morphological reconstruction method of biological cells based on phase imaging, Optik, 200 (163402)                
(3) 季颖,傅爽,陶兆禾,等,整合光散射信息的生物细胞相位成像系统, 激光与光电子学进展, 56(9): 091701                
(4) Tang Wenbo, Ji Ying*, Zhang Mingming, et al, A Rapid Detection Method for Morphological Characteristics of Biological Cells Based on Phase Imaging, BioMed Research International, 4651639                
(5) 张明明,韩豪,刘景业,徐媛媛,王亚伟,季颖*, 基于单棱镜复用的轴向可调式共光路干涉相位成像系统. 中国激光,45(4):0407007                
(6) 陈志亚,季颖*,唐文波,等,神经元放电行为动态特征的光相位表征方法, 中国激光,45(6):0607001                
(7) Ji Ying, Tang Wenbo, Hua Tingting, et al, Dynamics Analysis of Neuron Bursting under the Modulation of Periodic Stimulation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1965790                
(8) Ji Ying, Wang Yawei, Bursting Behavior in the Piece-Wise Linear Planar Neuron Model with Periodic Stimulation, Chinese Physics Letters, 32(4): 040201                
(9) Ji Ying, Zhang Xiaofang, Liang Minjie, et al,Dynamical analysis of periodic bursting in piece-wise linear planar neuron model, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 9(6): 573-579                

(1) Theory of Light Scattering and Light Phase Information Characterization of Biological Cells and its Key Application Technology of Feature Recognition, Science and Technology Progress Award of Zhenjiang City (2014)                
(2) Non-destructive marker-free identification method and technology for subsurface three-dimensional morphological features of nucleated cells, Jiangsu Provincial Education Scientific Research Achievement Award (2018)