
姓  名 许伯强
职务职称: 副院长、教授、博士生导师
研究方向 现代结构健康管理新技术研究;激光/压电超声损伤检测、诊断技术;多场耦合理论及计算;光声光热现象;应变梯度传感理论及损伤在线监测技术
研究生招生专业: 硕士:物理学、电子科学与技术
联系电话: 0511-88780162
E-mail bqxu@ujs.edu.cn
通信地址 江苏省镇江市学府路301号江苏大学物理与电子工程学院(212013)

● 1982/09–1987/07, 华东师范大学, 物理学, 学士
● 1999/09–2002/06, 江苏大学, 应用数学, 硕士
● 2001/09–2005/01, 南京理工大学, 光学工程, 博士
● 1987/07-1993/06, 江苏大学, 理学院, 助教
● 1993/07-1999/06, 江苏大学, 理学院, 讲师
● 1999/07-2005/06, 江苏大学, 理学院, 副教授
● 2005/07-至今, 江苏大学, 理学院, 教授

● 镇江市物理学会副会长,江苏省物理学会理事
● 中国仪器仪表学会健康监测与预警分会理事
● 江苏省教师教育专业指导委员会中学理科教育专业指导分委会委员
● 教育部高等学校物理学类专业教学指导委员会华东地区委员

● 固体中的超声导波(硕士)
● 压电超声换能器及应用(硕士)
● 大学物理(本科生)
● 大学物理实验(本科生)

● “一带一路”背景下来华留学生的大学物理教学与创新能力培养研究,2017年高等学校教学研究项目
● 《量子力学》“842T工程”精品课程,江苏大学,2015年以优秀成绩结题
● 大学物理在线网络教学平台模式研究,江苏大学重点教改课题,2013
● 江苏大学人才培养模式创新实验基地“工程类创新人才物理(含实验)教学模式改革”,负责人,2010

● 主编大学物理(教材)2部
● 主编大学物理实验(教材)1部

● 国际(地区)合作与交流重点项目,11520101001,大型结构损伤检测的非接触快捷精确成像理论与方法,2016/01-2020/12,在研,参加
● 江苏省科技厅重点研发计划-产业前瞻与共性关键技术,BE2015138,大型复杂装备绿色制造中结构损伤快速检测与精确成像,2015/06-2018/06,已结题,主持
● 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11172114,设计基于机电阻抗的快速自适应健康监测系统,2012/01-2015/12,已结题,主持
● 江苏省教育厅自然科学基金重大项目,10KJA140006,基于激光超声和压电双向耦合效应对薄膜性能检测的研究,2010/09-2013/12,已结题,主持
● 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金优先发展领域课题,20123227130002,基于挠曲电效应的航空结构早期损伤监测应变梯度传感器,2013/01-2015/12,已结题,参加
● 国家高技术研究发展(863)计划,2009AA03Z107,压电纤维复合材料有序生长制备技术及智能驱动/传感器件,2009/01-2011/12,已结题,参加
● 江苏省“六大人才高峰”项目,2012-ZBZZ-027,基于力-磁-电阻抗的快速自适应健康监测系统的研究,2013/01-2016/12,已结题,主持
● 江苏省教育厅自然科学研究,08KJB140003,激光超声波在非弹性介质中的传播理论与实验检测,2008/10-2010/12,已结题,主持

● Xu, B. Q., Zhou, L., Xu, G. D., Xu, C. G., Zhang, S., (2019). Research on ultrasonic damage imaging based on inverse scattering model in frequency domain. Fifth International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter
● Xu, C. G., Xu, B. Q., Luo, Y., Xu, G. D., Zhang, S., (2019). Time-reversal damage imaging based on laser ultrasonic guide waves with temporal filter method. Fifth International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter
● Xu, G. D., Xu, B. Q., Xu, C. G., Luo, Y., (2019). Damage detection of CFRP laminates by using ultrasonic Lamb wave with a sparse array. Fifth International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter
● Zhang S., Zhang Y., Lu W., Hu G. H., Xu B. Q. & Cao W. W., (2018), Low-frequency forbidden bandgap engineering via a cascade of multiple 1D superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(15), 1150102. (期刊封面论文)
● Zhang S., Xu B. Q., & Cao W. W., (2018), Controlling the angle range in acoustic low-frequency forbidden transmission in solid-fluid superlattice. Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 115111.
● Zhang S., Xu B. Q., & Cao W. W., (2018), A subwavelength asymmetric acoustic design for waveform-preserved highly forward transmission. AIP Advances, 8(8): 085102.
● Xu, C. G., Xu, B. Q., Luo, Y., Xu, G. D., & Lu, L. Z., (2017). Ultrasonic guided wave based damage imaging by time-reversal method in frequency-wavenumber domain. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter.
● Xu, G. D., Xu, B. Q., Xu, C. G., & Luo, Y. (2017). Numerical modeling of guided ultrasonic waves generated and received by piezoelectric wafer in a Delaminated composite beam. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter.
● Xu, G. D., Xu, B. Q., Xu, C. G., & Luo, Y. (2016). The effect of damage and temperature on electrical impedance of the PZT-beam coupled structure. Journal of Vibroengineering, 18(6), 3557-3567.
● Xu, G. D., Xu, B. Q., Xu, C. G., & Luo, Y. (2016). Temperature effects in the analysis of electromechanical impedance by using spectral element method. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, 12(1), 119-132.
● Xu, C. G., Xu, B. Q., Luo, Y., Xu, G. D., & Yuan, F.-G. (2015). Ultrasonic guided wave based horizontal crack imaging in metal plate by local wavenumber analysis. Paper presented at the Third International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter.
● Zhang, J., Xu, B. Q., Xu, G. D., Xu, C. G., Luo, Y., & Yuan, F.-G. (2015). Numerical modeling of guided ultrasonic waves generated and received by PZT wafer in a beam. Paper presented at the Third International Symposium on Laser Interaction with Matter.
● Gu, A., Luo, Y., & Xu, B. (2015). Characteristic Identification of Cracking Acoustic Emission Signals in Concrete Beam Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform Advances in Acoustic Emission Technology (pp. 205-216): Springer.
● Gu, A., Luo, Y., & Xu, B. (2015). Experimental study on acoustic emission characteristics of reinforced concrete components. SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS, 16(1), 67-79.
● Wang, Z., Luo, Y., Zhao, G., Xu, B. Q., & Yuan, F.-G. (2015). Design of an Orthotropic Piezoelectric Composite Material Phased Array Transducer for Damage Detection in a Concrete Structure. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation(just-accepted).
● 许伯强, 刘洪凯, 徐桂东, 徐晨光, & 李俊敏. (2014). 基于应力-位移混合有限元法的激光超声数值模拟. 激光技术, 38(2), 230-235. 1001-3806.2014.02.018
● 李红, 骆英, 许伯强, 徐桂东, & 徐晨光. (2013). 谱有限元模拟正交各向异性黏弹性材料中导波传播特性. 声学学报, 38(3), 319-325.
● 徐桂东, 许伯强, 徐晨光, & 陈丽娟. (2012). 谱有限元数值分析各向异性复合板中导波色散特性. 声学学报, 37(5), 521-526.
● 许伯强, 陈丽娟, 徐桂东, 徐晨光, & 骆英. (2012). 各向异性板中激光激发Lamb波的数值模拟. 中国激光, 39(3), 303008.
● 许伯强, 杨小平, 徐桂东, 徐晨光, 陈安麒, & 刘洪凯. (2012). 弱散射材料中激光超声单散射理论模型. 中国激光, 39(3), 303003.
● 许伯强, 岳去疾, 陈安麒, 徐晨光, & 徐桂东. (2012). 压电晶片激发理想流体中各向异性板的泄漏Lamb波. 江苏大学学报(自然科学版), 33(4), 457-462.
● 许伯强, 张子国, 徐晨光, 徐桂东, & 杨小平. (2012). 微纳米薄膜材料中激光皮秒超声的数值模拟. 江苏大学学报: 自然科学版, 33(1), 83-87.
● Sun, H. X., Xu, B. Q., Zhang, H., Gao, Q. A., & Zhang, S. Y. (2011). Influence of adhesive layer properties on laser-generated ultrasonic waves in thin bonded plates. Chinese Physics B, 20(1).
● Xu, C. G., Xu, B. Q., & Xu, G. D. (2011). Laser-induced thermoelastic Leaky Lamb waves at the fluid-solid interface. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 105(2), 379-386.
● Dai, Y., Xu, B. Q., Luo, Y., Li, H., & Xu, G. D. (2010). Finite element modeling of the interaction of laser-generated ultrasound with a surface-breaking notch in an elastic plate. Optics and Laser Technology, 42(4), 693-697.
● Luo, Y., Li, H., Xu, B. Q., & Xu, G. D. (2010). Spectral finite element method modeling of ultrasonic guided waves propagation in layered viscoelastic film/substrate materials. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(12).
● Sun, H. X., Xu, B. Q., Xu, G. D., & Xu, C. G. (2010). Study on laser-generated Lamb waves propagation in viscoelastic and anisotropic plate. Chinese Optics Letters, 8(8), 776-779.
● 孙宏祥, & 许伯强. (2010). 激光激发Lamb波的有限元时域和频域数值分析. 中国激光, 37(2), 537-542.
● 徐晨光, 许伯强, 徐桂东, 汪昊, & 张子国. (2010). 激光热弹激励流固界面波的有限元数值模拟. 中国激光, 37(7), 1885-1891.
● 许伯强, 汪昊, 徐桂东, 徐晨光, & 张子国. (2010). 金属材料中激光产生熔池的数值模拟及应用. 江苏大学学报: 自然科学版, 31(003), 358-362.
● Xu, B. Q., Wang, F., Feng, J., Wang, J. J., Sun, H. X., & Luo, Y. (2009). Laser-generated thermoelastic acoustic sources and acoustic waves in anisotropic plate. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 52(3), 566-574.
● Xu, B. Q., Feng, J., Xu, G. D., Wang, J. J., Sun, H. X., & Cao, G. R. (2008). Laser-generated thermoelastic acoustic sources and Lamb waves in anisotropic plates. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 91(1), 173-179.
● 孙宏祥, 许伯强, 王纪俊, 徐桂东, 徐晨光, & 王峰. (2009). 激光激发黏弹表面波有限元数值模拟. 物理学报, 58(9), 6344-6350.
● 孙宏祥, 许伯强, 徐晨光, 徐桂东, & 王峰. (2009). 横观各向同性材料中激光超声谱有限元数值模拟. 光子学报, 38(5).
● Xu, B. Q., Shen, Z. H., Ni, X. W., Wang, J. J., Guan, J. F., & Lu, J. (2006). Thermal and mechanical finite element modeling of laser-generated ultrasound in coating-substrate system. Optics and Laser Technology, 38(3), 138-145.
● Xu, B. Q., Shen, Z. H., Wang, J. J., Ni, X. W., Guan, J. F., & Lu, J. (2006). Thermoelastic finite element modeling of laser generation ultrasound. Journal of Applied Physics, 99(3).
● 许伯强, 王纪俊, 王国余, 沈中华, & 陆建. (2006). 金属材料中激光产生Lamb波的数值模拟. 江苏大学学报: 自然科学版, 26(6), 542-546.
● 许伯强, 沈中华, 倪晓武, 关键飞, & 陆建. (2005). 激光热弹激发涂层/基底系统中声表面波的有限元数值模拟. 声学学报, 30(003), 201-206.
● Xu, B. Q., Shen, Z. H., Ni, X. W., & Lu, J. (2004). Numerical simulation of laser-generated ultrasound by the finite element method. Journal of Applied Physics, 95(4), 2116-2122.
● Xu, B. Q., Shen, Z. H., Ni, X. W., Lu, J., & Wang, Y. W. (2004). Finite element model of laser-generated surface acoustic waves in coating-substrate system. Journal of Applied Physics, 95(4), 2109-2115.
● Xu, B. Q., Shen, Z. H., Ni, X. W., Wang, J. J., Guan, J. F., & Lu, J. (2004). Determination of elastic properties of a film-substrate system by using the neural networks. Applied Physics Letters, 85(25), 6161-6163.
● Xu, B. Q., Shen, Z. H., Lu, J., Ni, X. W., & Zhang, S. Y. (2003). Numerical simulation of laser-induced transient temperature field in film-substrate system by finite element method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(25), 4963-4968.

● 基于物理学专业课程体系建设的本科生实践创新能力的培养与提升,江苏大学教学成果二等奖,2015,排名第一
● 立体化大学物理课程教学体系的建设和完善,江苏大学教学成果二等奖,2013,排名第一
● 物理实验课程的建设与实践,江苏大学教学成果一等奖,2013,排名第三