| ● Cui-hong Lv, Su-qing Zhang and Hong-yi Fan, Induced entangled state representations for generating fractional Fourier Hankel transform, Mod. Phys. Lett. A., 33(36): 1850211, 2018 (SCI) ● Cui-Hong Lv, Su-Qing Zhang and Wen Xu, Fractional squeezing-Hankel transform based on the induced entangled state representations, Chin. Phys. B., 27(9): 094206, 2018 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, Ya-xin Cai and Ya-wei Wang, Adaption of fractional squeezing transformation to optical Wigner transformation, Optik, 127: 4057, 2016 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, Xu Feng and Qing-yi Cui, The New Multipartite Squeezing Operator and Some of its Properties, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 55: 1741, 2016 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv* and Hong-yi Fan, New complex function space related to both entangled state representation and spin coherent state, J. Math. Phys., 56: 082102, 2015 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*,Hong-yi Fan, and Li Dong-Wei, From fractional Fourier transformation to quantum mechanical fractional squeezing transformation, Chin. Phys. B, 24(2): 020301, 2015 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, Hong-yi Fan and Ya-wei Wang, Tripartite entangled state, tripartite entangled Wigner operator and their generalization to an n-mode case, Sc. China Ser. G-Phys. Mech. Astron., 56(9): 1642-1651, 2013 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, New properties of the Wigner function of the tripartite entangled state, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 52: 1635-1644, 2013 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, Ya-wei Wang and Xue-fu Shang, Modeling of nucleated cells and their variety effect on light holographic characteristics based on VirtualLab technique, Advanced Materials Research, 662: 966-970, 2013 (EI)
● Cui-hong Lv*, Hong-yi Fan and Ya-wei Wang, Tomography Theory for the Tripartite Entangled System, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 51: 2603-2614, 2012 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, Hong-chun Yuan and Hong-yi Fan, s-parameterized photocount formula, Optik, 123: 395-399, 2012 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv*, Hong-yi Fan and Ya-wei Wang, A new simple approach for disentangling some exponential operators, College Physics, 31(8): 4-5, 2012 ● Cui-hong Lv*and Hong-yi Fan, Optical entangled fractional Fourier transform derived via non-unitary SU(2) bosonic operator realization and its convolution theorem, Opt. Commun., 284: 1925-1932, 2011 (SCI)
● Cui-hong Lv and Hong-yi Fan, Adaption of optical Fresnel transformation to optical Wigner transformation, Phys. Scr., 82: 025004, 2010 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv and Hong-yi Fan, A kind tripartite entangled state representation and its application in quantum teleportation, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 49: 1944-1951, 2010 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv and Hong-yi Fan, Explicit pure-state density operator structure for quantum tomography, J. Math. Phys., 51: 089901, 2010 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lv and Hong-yi Fan, A new kind of integration transformation in phase space related to two mutually conjugate entangled-state representations and its uses in Weyl ordering of operators, Chin. Phys. Lett., 27: 050301, 2010 (SCI) ● Cui-hong Lü, Hong-yi Fan and Nian-quan Jiang, Two mutually conjugated tripartite entangled states and their fractional Fourier transformation kernel, Chin. Phys. B, 19: 120303, 2010 (SCI)
● Hong-yi Fan and Cui-hong Lü, Wick calculus using the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators, Am. J. Phys., 77: 284-286, 2009 (SCI) ● Hong-yi Fan and Cui-hong Lv, s-Parameterized phase space distribution for describing no counts registered on a photonic detector, Opt. Commun., 282: 4741-4744, 2009 (SCI) ● Hong-yi Fan and Cui-hong Lv, New complex integration transformation and its compatibility with complex Weyl-Wigner transformation and entangled state representation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 26: 1-5,2009 (SCI) ● Hong-yi Fan and Cui-hong Lv, Explicit pure-state density operator structure for quantum tomography, J. Math. Phys., 50: 102108, 2009 (SCI) ● Fan Hong-yi, Lü Cui-hong and Xia Yun-jie, Preserving coherence of coherent state studied via Weyl-Wigner correspondence, Commun. Theor. Phys., 54: 244-246, 2010 (SCI) |