Report Title: Multi-scale dynamics and microscopic mechanisms of cortical networks
Report Time: May 27th, 2022 14:30--17:00
Tencent Meeting: 447-660-238
Abstract: The physical mechanisms of the brain and its functions have been the object of long-standing interest, and great progress has been made in recent years with the help of complex network research methods. In terms of structure, brain networks exhibit complex structural features, such as "small worlds", community structures, multilevel structures, and "rich clubs". In terms of dynamics, there are rich dynamical patches in the brain, which are thought to be the emergence of collective dynamical behavior of neurons through synaptic interactions, and are relevant to the cognitive function of the brain. This presentation will explore the diversity of functional patches in the brain and their physical mechanisms from the perspective of the emergence of collective dynamical behaviors in complex networks.
He studied under Prof. Zonghua Liu, a recipient of the Sino-German Lindao Program (only 30 people in China each year), and has conducted visiting research in the UK and Hong Kong. His research interests are in nonlinear physics and complex networks, with a strong interest in the structural complexity and functional diversity of brain networks. He has published several papers in National Science Review, Physical Review Research and other internationally renowned journals. The related research results have been specially reported by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Chinese Science Magazine and other academic media.