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Xiaosen Yang
Date:2021-06-02   View:
Xiaosen Yang
Position and Technical Title
Associate Professor
Research Areas:
The topological phenomena of condensed matter and cold atom; Non-Hermitian system
Graduate Admission Professions:
Physics (Master)
Corresponding Address
School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, P. R. China
Education and Work Experience
● 2002/09-2006/07,Bachelor in physics, Anhui Normal University, China
2006/09-2012/07,Master/PhD in condensed matter physics, University of Science and Technology of China, China
2012/08-2014/08,Beijing Computational Science Research Center ,Postdoctoral Fellow
2014/08-now,Lecture, Associate Professor, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu University, China
Teaching Courses
● College Physics (Undergraduate)
● College Physics Experiment (Undergraduate)
● Advanced quantum mechanics (Graduate student)
Academic Publications

1.Yang Cao, Yang Li, Xiaosen Yang, Non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence in a periodically driven system, Phys Rev B 103, 075126(2021).
2.Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Ning Xu, Jing Zhou, Ming Gong, Dynamical instability with respect to finite-momentum pairing in quenched BCS superconducting phases, Phys Rev B 99, 014517(2019).

3.Xiaosen Yang, Beibing Huang, Zhengling Wang, Floquet Topological Superfluid and Majorana Zero Modes in Two-Dimensional Periodically Driven Fermi Systems, Scientific Reports 8, 2243(2018).
4.Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Ning Xu, Ming Gong, Type-I and type-II topological nodal superconductors with s-wave interaction, Phys Rev B 97, 045142(2018).
5.Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Mott insulator-superfluid phase transition in two-band Bose-Hubbard models with gapless nodal lines, J. Phys. B 51, 015302 (2018).
6.Zhongbo Yan, Bo Li, Xiaosen Yang and Shaolong Wan, Floquet Quantum Spin Hall Insulator in Cold Atomic Systems, Scientific Reports 5, 16197(2015).
7.Ho-Kin Tang, Xiaosen Yang, Jinhua Sun, Hai-Qing Lin, Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thoules phase transition of spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas in optical lattice, EPL 107, 40003(2014).
8.Zhongbo Yan, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan, Supersolid in Bose-Bose-Fermi mixtures subjected to a square lattice, J. Phys. B 46, 055302(2013).
9.Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan, A new non-Abelian topological superfluid of cold Fermi gases in anisotropic and spin-dependent optical lattices, J. Phys. B 46, 025301(2013).
10.Xiaosen Yang, Beibing Huang, Hai-Qing Lin, "Phase Diagram of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases in a Bilayer Optical Lattice" J. Phys. B 46, 205302(2013).
11.Xiaosen Yang and Shaolong Wan,“Phase diagram of a uniform two-dimensional Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling” Phys Rev A 85, 023633 (2012).
12.Beibing Huang, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan, Topological superfluid of spinless Fermi gases in p-band honeycomb optical lattices with on-site rotation, EPL 100, 26003(2012).
13.Xiaosen Yang and Shaolong Wan, “Topological phase separation in trapped ultracold fermionic gases” J. Phys. B 45,065301 (2012).
14.Xiaosen Yang, Beibing Huang, and Shaolong Wan, “BCS-BEC crossover in mix-dimensional Fermi gases” Eur. Phys. J. B 83, 445(2011).
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