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Shiqun Hua
Date:2019-07-11   View:
Shiqun Hua
Research fields & orientations
Photomechanics、Optical testing technology
Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, P. R. China
● Ph.D. JiangSu University (2013)
● B.S. JiangSu University (2002)
Courses offered
● University physics
● Optical testing technology
● University physics experiment
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying. Improvement of the coating formulation in luminescent photoelastic coating method. Exp Tech, 2013,37(4):19-24.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying. An experimental technique to measure the thickness of luminescent photoelastic coatings. Meas Sci Technol,2013,24(8):1-7.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying. Measurement of refractive index of luminescent photoelastic coating. Acta Phys. Sin, 2013,62(5):057801-057807.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying. Small oblique angle technique for principal-strain separation in luminescent photoelastic coating. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 303-306:538-542.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying, Lu Daoli, et al. On the influencing factors of fluorescent signal intensity emitted from luminescent photoelastic coating. Journal of Experimental Mechanics,2012,27(5):552-557.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying, Lu Daoli, et al. Enhancing signals in luminescent photoelastic coating method,Journal of Jiangsu University (Natural Science Edition), 2011,32(6):715-719.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying. Review and Prospect of Dye-based Photoelastic Coating Method. Journal of Experimental Mechanics,2010,25(3):261-270.
● Hua Shiqun,Luo Ying. Photoelastic coating measurement method based on molecular Luminescence. Advances in Mechanics,2009,39(1):103-114.
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